Make Money on OnlyFans Without Followers

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What is great about OnlyFans is that you can start making money right away, unlike other methods of making money online where you need to build up slowly over months and get lucky to earn something.

Many people who offer different types of content on OnlyFans report that they are earning between $1,200 to $5000 a month once they have set up their account and get into the groove of posting content regularly.

Keep in mind that earning money posting adult content OnlyFans is not a walk in the park. You may start out doing it just for fun with amateur content but you will need to spend time making sure you are making high-quality pictures and videos for the niche (more about niches later) you are trying to fulfil if you want to grow in the long run.

What should you price your OnlyFans at?

The average OnlyFans price is set at $9.99, however if you want to be more than just your average model you can charge more than double the average. The more you charge the fewer monthly subscribers you will need to meet any financial goal you set.

Remember that the lower the price you select, the more likely someone will do a monthly subscription to your OnlyFans. This doesn’t mean you should list it at $1, you should find the price point that will earn you the most.

Use this formula to get an idea of the amount you would earn if you estimate the price of the monthly subscription and the price they pay:

(Price) x (Subscribers) = Revenue

To make things even simpler for you, here is a table you can look at giving you an idea of how many monthly subscribers you will need and the amount to charge them to earn $4,000 a month.

PriceSubscriber AmountMonthly Revenue

As you can see in the table, unless you are already well-known it would almost be impossible to get 2,000 subscribers (66 subscribers a day) in any reasonable time. However, getting just 160 (5.3 subscribers a day) paying $25 a month is extremely possible.

In addition to the price you set, you are able to offer a discount on the first month to pull people in. This will pull more people into your OnlyFans because of the low barrier of entry for the first month.

The maximum amount you can charge a user to view your content with a monthly subscription is $50.

Picking your OnlyFans Niche

Picking a niche means you will focus on a specific market with the images and videos you do. For example, you could focus on being a “Gamer Girl” cosplaying fantasy characters and playing games. This would appeal to gamers who are attracted to that.

The “Gamer Girl” niche though is very broad and has a lot of competition, you can come up with a micro-niche which is a niche inside of a niche and it would have little competition. These are not easy to come up with though, a good example would be fantasy toys. It isn’t as broad as adult toys and there is a group of people who are interested in it.

You will be surprised by who will follow you. Depending on the content you make and the niche you are in, you may find your audience larger in certain categories such as the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual group.

Getting your OnlyFans out there

The first thing to do if you have an Instagram account is to share your link on your Instagram profile. This will let people know who engage with your Instagram account that you can also be found on OnlyFans.

If you do have Instagram post it on your OnlyFans link on your stories. You are able to block people such as your family from seeing your stories for a set amount of time so they do not get the story if you don’t want them to know.

Some people you may want to block include:

  • Family
  • Close Friends
  • People in your hometown

Don’t be afraid if most of your followers are the same sex as you, as you will never know what they are interested in.

The next step is to make sure you have social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit) accounts for your OnlyFans. This way you can post content on them and direct people to your OnlyFans if they are interested in what you post. It also allows you to market other services

As you build up followers on other social platforms, contact other people with around the same follower count to do some cross-promotion. This will introduce their audience to you, and your audience to them for free. Not only will this build your subscriptions on OnlyFans but it will also let you build relationships with others doing the same as you.

There are many communities online for people who use OnlyFans as an income source who have lots of valuable information. Take this Adult Model Discord Server for example, you can chat with others who are in the adult industry and on OnlyFans.

Beyond social media and other communities, there are a few options. If you are interested in more than just doing content and being paid for it you can post on other adult websites. This will send a lot of traffic to your OnlyFans you can get a lot of traffic to your OnlyFans by posting content on other websites.

The last option to start as an adult cam model, a good place to start is Chaturbate. Looking at the top streams you will notice that they are all promoting their OnlyFans to earn extra income

How to earn extra on OnlyFans

Playing games with your subscribers can be a great way to earn extra money and keep your subscribers engaged with your OnlyFans. Little games such as Wheel of Fortune, where tippers receive an award if it lands on their name or something as simple as a leaderboard with the highest tippers listed.

You could also post out asking questions to keep your subscribers engaged. This can also be a great tool that you can use to get information about your subscribers that you can use to your advantage or you can find out valuable information such as where they found you from.

OnlyFans Brand Image

When taking photos always take extras that you can use as stock photos for when people request more from the set or give out when people want a certain type of photo. It also helps limit the amount of time you spend making content as you can do it all at once for example at the beginning of the week, then schedule it to go out on OnlyFans over the week.

People can also contact you for custom pictures which you can charge extra for on top of what you would charge for extra photos. You can let people know about what services you offer including custom photos on your OnlyFans page, make sure to have a price in mind on how much you would charge for these or list the price along with the service.

OnlyFan Videos are Key

Videos are way more popular on OnlyFans than images. So do not forget to post videos, even if they are very short clips. This is one of the keys to keeping your audience subscribed each month.

A video will tell a story, get your message across easier and has sound while a picture is just a static image. If you are not into making videos consider doing a catalogue of images instead of just one or two of you posing.

If you are not getting the traction you need it might be wise to look into paying others who have a lot more of an audience to promote your content. Videos are a great grab for people who have not seen you yet and bring more traffic to your OnlyFans when promoted versus just an image.

Get OnlyFan Tips From Your Posts

Tipping is one of the most used featured for creators on OnlyFans. This feature allows people to send extra money to you as a creator and can stack up quickly.

A user called Bella Thorne earned $1,000,000 within her first day with a lot of that coming from tips, however this is not good news. Many of Bella Thorne’s subscribers issued refunds with their bank after they felt duped when Bella was not posting the content she promised. This has caused OnlyFans to limit the maximum amount a user can tip to $100.

People can tip on any post but you can point it out and bring more attention to it on the posts you want people to tip. These posts where you want to tip section to stand out could mention something like “Feeling generous?” with a photo.


Money can be made with OnlyFans and there are multiple avenues you can take to earn extra on top of your OnlyFans subscriptions. There are many different ways such as cross-promotion, social media, extra content around the web, cam modelling, and paid promotion to get your content out there. With many different communities, you can find help or can talk to others in the industry.

In the end, you will need to stick with it. Putting time and effort in as you will need to be posting regular content to maintain your audience and keep new people subscribing.

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